
Showing posts with the label Bills

What is California's SB-1047? - Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act for 2023-2024

An artificial intelligence safety bill named  SB 1047  was overwhelmingly approved by California Congress on Wednesday and now heads to the Senate for final consideration. If enacted, the "fiercely debated" bill would require tech companies to safety-test AI programs prior to release, and empower the attorney general to sue AI companies for any major harm caused by their technologies. The bill earned cautious support from the likes of Elon Musk and Anthropic, while its opponents include OpenAI and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This bill seeks to establish guardrails for the development of the most powerful AI models to avoid the more catastrophic possibilities about which experts have raised alarms. It places a series of obligations on developers of “covered models” and providers of the cloud compute for training such models. This bill also seeks to establish a framework for developing a public cloud-computing cluster that facilitates equitable participation in th

California Senate Bill 918 Requires Social Media Platforms Cooperate More with Law Enforcement

Bill Summary Existing law generally regulates a social media platform, including by requiring a social media platform to clearly and conspicuously state whether it has a mechanism for reporting violent posts that is available to users and nonusers of the social media platform and to include a link to that reporting mechanism, as prescribed. Senate Bill 918 would require a social media platform to, at all times, make available by telephone to a law enforcement agency a law enforcement liaison for the purpose of receiving, and responding to, requests for information. The bill would would, except as prescribed, also require a social media platform to immediately comply with a search warrant provided to the social media platform by a law enforcement agency if the subject of the search warrant is an account on the social media platform owned by a user of the social media platform. Permits a person to seek an order requiring a social media platform to remove content that includes an offer t

H.R. 7888. - 'Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act' RISAA passes House

Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act passes House Update Passed Senate, under the order of April 19, 2024, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, without amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 60 - 34. Record Vote Number: 150 .On April 20, 2024 RISSA Became Public Law No: 118-49  after being signed by President. 'Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act ' RISAA April 12, 2024—The House voted to reauthorize a key U.S. spy program considered essential to national security. In a 273 to 147 vote, lawmakers renewed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which is set to expire on April 19, through 2026. H.R. 7888 added amendments such as modifying the definition of electronic communication service provider and prohibits warrantless searches of U.S. person communications in the FISA 702 database, with exceptions for imminent threats to life or bodily harm, consent searches, or known cybersecurity threat signatures. Section 702 allows the U.S. government

A.B. 2390 - Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program - California

Assembly Bill  2390  Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program Summary This bill establishes the Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program and would require the California Health and Human Services Agency to designate a nonprofit organization to undertake the responsibilities of the program. The responsibilities include recommending statewide standards for the use of online social networks by kindergarten and grades 1 to 12 pupils, inclusive, and would require the program to coordinate with existing laws regulating social media platforms to ensure consistency and avoid duplication of effort until December 31, 2029. The  Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program  enacts the following: 1) Establishes the Social Media Harm Reduction Pilot Program (program). Requires the California  Health and Human Services Agency to designate a nonprofit organization to undertake the responsibilities of the program. 2) Requires the program to: a) Develop model educational materials and methods to leverag

Protecting Kids on Social Media—Bills and New Laws

Feb. 6, 2024 -- For many legitimate reasons, social media is often high on a parent's list of digital concerns. From online predators to privacy, there's genuinely a lot of questionable; stuff for children and teens to navigate. Enjoying social media wisely can also give kids a sense of connection, fun, and creativity. If a caregiver is involved in a kid's digital life, it prepares them for how to handle negative online situations. Talks about protecting privacy and being kind can go a long way toward a more positive social media experience. And if kids can avoid endless scrolling and comparing themselves to others, and instead focus on friendship and creativity, it may actually give them a boost instead of being a downer. Recently, U.S. lawmakers have accused Meta's Mark Zuckerberg and four other big tech bosses of having "blood on (their) hands"; allegations have surfaced that up to 100,000 children a day using Facebook and Instagram in 2022 were exposed to